miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020
The lord of the flies
For the next three days of class (3, 10 and 17 of june) we will go to watch a movie: The lord of the flies.
After that we will prepare some activities.
The movie is bassed in the book with the same name, written by Wilian Golding.
You can read the book in original version, o in spanish version (press download green boton).
At the end send me the activities before the 18 of june
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020
Why is the concept of a democracy in crisis?
Link to the video
Ideas for the debate : Why is the concept of a democracy in crisis?
Democracy has always been in crisis: democracy is all about practicing the art of bearable dissatisfaction. In democratic societies, people often complain about their leaders and their institutions. The gap between the ideal democracy and the existing one cannot be solved.

Paradoxically, part of the problems of democracy is that today almost everybody claims his sympathy for the principle of self-government.
- 3 Main ideas in this video for you
- 2 Questions you will ask the next classmate on the class list and their answers
- 1 Analogy, summary or conclusion, at the end
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020
miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020
Vídeos sobre Spanish Democratic System
Aquí tenéis los vídeos que me habéis enviado, para que evaluéis la tarea realizada por los demás. para ello tendréis que ver sus vídeos.
Pones la nota dela casilla que elijas, en cada fila, la sumas las 4 filas y divides entre 4. Esa será la nota que das al trabajo
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020
Spanish Democratic System ( II PART)
With the Spanish Democratic System presentation, made the last day, we are going to edit a video.
1. You need to show the main ideas in this video, in around 3-5 minutes
2. You send me the video before sunday.
3. I place the different videos in youtube
4. After that, the next class day, we go to make a global assessment and everyone have to put a note for every video. The final score will be the avarage of all the others
1. You need to show the main ideas in this video, in around 3-5 minutes
2. You send me the video before sunday.
3. I place the different videos in youtube
4. After that, the next class day, we go to make a global assessment and everyone have to put a note for every video. The final score will be the avarage of all the others
miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020
Spanish Democratic System

- Work: 2 people
- The presentation have to answer these points:
- What is a democracy?
- Difference the Direct Democracy from the Representative Democracy
- How is the Democracy in Spain?
- When did arrive the democratic system? and how?
- How is organised this democratic system? Monarchy or Republic? Explain the meaning of the words.
- How are the different branches of the state powers in Spain? Explain every one of them.
- Main ideas in the Spanish Constitution.
- Main personal Human Rights in the Constitution
- What do you think about the Spanish Democracy? Is it necessary to change it?
Maybe you can use this link or others
miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020
Democracy on the world
Use this link
- Make a summary.
- The main ideas on the video?
- What are the four reason why the democracy is falling behind in the undeveloped countries?
- How are used the new technologies to spread the extremists ideologies?
- What do you think about the crisis of democracy?
martes, 31 de marzo de 2020
Coronavirus in the News
We look for somes news focus on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Positive or Personal News, where the protagonist are the hope, the solidarity... in these moments.
You can use these links, but you can look for others.
Positive or Personal News, where the protagonist are the hope, the solidarity... in these moments.
You can use these links, but you can look for others.
Make a presentation with these news and send to me.
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020
Creating a Infografía about Coronavirus
We go to create a Infografia about the Coronavirus. It is a free approach: How we can protect from illness? or How we can Help to control the dissemination? How we can organize the time in our houses? What do you know about coronavirus?.... In english or spanish language. Put your name on the infografía.

You can use to create:

You can use to create:
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020
Coronavirus is our future
Link to TED Vídeo
- Place here the most relevant ideas of the video
- What do you think about the kind of protective measures that countries put in place?
- Under one Principle of Responsibility how do you think we have to act?
- If containment isn´t enough, what comes next?
- These problems have a cost, Who should to paid?
Write your ideas in this common document
viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020
Transplant cells, not organs
- Make the summary and comment the experience of Susan Lim
- Her experience, is it moral or ethical character? Think your reply and explain the difference between both: Ethics and morals . Link
- What kinds of values could be adequate relative to organs´s transplanted in the modern society?
- What do you know about the bioethics? link. Explain with your words.
- What is the best capacity for a good professional: intellectual or ethical values? Explain your words
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020
Champions of Human Rights
Choose three of the champions of the Human Rights; Link 1 and link 2
- Why is the reason to choose them ?
- What are the most important rights achieved by them?
- Make a summary about their lives.
- All pupils choose Mandela as a obligate champion.
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020
Human Rights in Africa
After the video.
- What do you know about Gando Community?
- How was the Human Rights situation in Gando?
- Are there real change in the Human Rights today in Africa?
- What do you think about Diébédo Francis Kéré?
miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Simplified VersionThis is a simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, (videos about human right).
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
16. Marriage and Family. Every grown-up has the
right to marry and have a family if they want to. Men and women have
the same rights when they are married, and when they are separated.
17. The Right to Your Own Things. Everyone has the right to own things or share them. Nobody should take our things from us without a good reason.
18. Freedom of Thought. We all have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion, or to change it if we want.
19. Freedom of Expression. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
20. The Right to Public Assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights. Nobody can make us join a group if we don’t want to.
21. The Right to Democracy. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. Every grown-up should be allowed to choose their own leaders.
22. Social Security. We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and childcare, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old.
23. Workers’ Rights. Every grown-up has the right to do a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union.
24. The Right to Play. We all have the right to rest from work and to relax.
25. Food and Shelter for All. We all have the right to a good life. Mothers and children, people who are old, unemployed or disabled, and all people have the right to be cared for.
26. The Right to Education. Education is a right. Primary school should be free. We should learn about the United Nations and how to get on with others. Our parents can choose what we learn.
27. Copyright. Copyright is a special law that protects one’s own artistic creations and writings; others cannot make copies without permission. We all have the right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that art, science and learning bring.
28. A Fair and Free World. There must be proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world.
29. Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.
30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights.
17. The Right to Your Own Things. Everyone has the right to own things or share them. Nobody should take our things from us without a good reason.
18. Freedom of Thought. We all have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion, or to change it if we want.
19. Freedom of Expression. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we think, and to share our ideas with other people.
20. The Right to Public Assembly. We all have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights. Nobody can make us join a group if we don’t want to.
21. The Right to Democracy. We all have the right to take part in the government of our country. Every grown-up should be allowed to choose their own leaders.
22. Social Security. We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and childcare, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old.
23. Workers’ Rights. Every grown-up has the right to do a job, to a fair wage for their work, and to join a trade union.
24. The Right to Play. We all have the right to rest from work and to relax.
25. Food and Shelter for All. We all have the right to a good life. Mothers and children, people who are old, unemployed or disabled, and all people have the right to be cared for.
26. The Right to Education. Education is a right. Primary school should be free. We should learn about the United Nations and how to get on with others. Our parents can choose what we learn.
27. Copyright. Copyright is a special law that protects one’s own artistic creations and writings; others cannot make copies without permission. We all have the right to our own way of life and to enjoy the good things that art, science and learning bring.
28. A Fair and Free World. There must be proper order so we can all enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world.
29. Responsibility. We have a duty to other people, and we should protect their rights and freedoms.
30. No One Can Take Away Your Human Rights.
1. Classify the different Human rights in one of the three generations. When they appear?
2. Look for countries where human rights are broken..
3. How are the Human Rights in developed countries?
4. How are the Human Rights in undeveloped countries?
5 What is the ONU? What is its finality?
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