lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

Ethical philosophies: Kant, Mill, Plato, Aristotle

Investigate and create  a  presentation  about  the ethical philosophy of: Mill, Kant, Epicurus, Stoics, Platón Aristoteles.
Mill: link 1, Link 2link 3
Kant: Link 1, link 2,
Epicurus: Link1, link 2,
Stoics: Link1, link 2,
Plato: Link 1, link 2, link 3,
Aristotle Link 1, link 2,
    1. You make a presentation with your ethical philosophy.
    2. You look for a video or one image that show your ethical philosophy. You can create the image.
    3. Your group explain us your specific ethic.
    4. Prepare a summary for your mates.
    5. Give us two reasons to choose  your specific  ethic

    “Global Economic Ethic – Consequences for Global Businesses”

    Manifiesto para Una ética económica global 
    Manif es to Global Economic Ethic Consequences for Global Businesses

    • 3 Main ideas in this text
    • 2  Questions 
    • 1 Analogy, summary, conclusion

    lunes, 8 de enero de 2018

    Bioethical Debate

    Bioethical Debate
    Look for information about different  important bioethical subject such as:
    New Fertility Procedure May Lead to ‘Embryo Farming’
    Assisted Suicide
    Designer Babies
    Organ Transplant Market
    Uses of The Human Genome as Public
    DNA Patents,  ....

    About all these Global problems Who  is that can decide the best option?
    The state- Why?. The individual - Why ? Show your ideas in the debate